Why I started magnet fishing
So, what made me buy several magnets, tie them to a rope and throw them out in a lake you ask?
Well.... One early summer morning in 2013 in Copenhagen, the capital of Denmark, I was reading the paper. In the paper, I saw a fascinating article. At the lakes in Copenhagen, the police had barricaded all the nearby roads. This was due to the fact, that a guy had caught a hand grenade when he had been magnet fishing in the lakes. The bomb squad had to move out and blow the hand grenade to pieces at the spot. When I saw that article, I knew for sure, that magnet fishing was something I would have to try. Therefore, the same day, I bought a 53 kg magnet and an 110 kg magnet on the internet together with some rope. Since that day, my friends and I have been out on magnet fishing trips many times. I think the fun part of magnet fishing is, that you never know what you are going to catch, is it a murderer weapon, is it a treasure or is it and old bike. You never know, and that is why I will always have fun magnet fishing. |